Olga Shashikhina


Identifiers in Russian and international databases (RSCI, Scopus, Web of Science, ISTINA):




Education, academic degree:

Doctoral student, assistant at the Department of Computer-aided Design and Management


Dissertation, year:

"Software package and mathematical models for optimal planning of production activities of an industrial corporation for the production of multiassortment polymer films", 2022.


Research interests:

Mathematical methods and software complexes for optimal planning of flexible multiassortment high-tech industries.


Awards and prizes for scientific achievements, memberships in leading scientific communities, participation in editorial boards of leading peer-reviewed scientific publications:

  • winner of the "UMNIK" program, 2019;
  • participant of the L. Euler DAAD Scholarship Program, 2020.




    Moskovskiy Prospekt 24-26/49, building A
    Saint Petersburg 19001, Russia